Most of our Angels were suffering flatfoot foot crooked, affecting the spine, resulting in scoliosis....
HKASF kept to discuss the various foot care and chiropractic for assistant. Grateful for the generous support of Podiatric Orthopedic Co., happy to provide one-stop service for our Angelman including lectures, one-on-one professional evaluation, after the comprehensive test, provided appropriate recommendations and exercises with them, hoping to help the healthy growth of the angels!
A group of Angelman families have visited Podiatric Orthopedic Clinic in Wan Chai, provided initial assessment, a practical workshops and full of joy generous thus successfully concluded.
Date : 06-02-2016
Time : 16:00-18:00
Venue : Rm1101, 11/F. Methodist House, Wan Chai
Enquiries : info@hkasf.org / +852 5125 8111
After the workshop, Pedorthic Technology had committed to provide a free follow-up for all the Angelman. And it will provide generous development and the most appropriate corrective or therapeutic by monitoring of the entire record of the little Angelman during the whole growing stage.
Pedorthic Technology Limited